Black Mans History


Black Mans History

Many Christians who see the title of the book “Black Man Not Descendant of Adam” often criticize it because they have been made to believe that Adam was the first human God created. Because of the dogmatic assertion based on the teaching of  the church, christians do not philosophise on the early humans: the Cavemen and the Prehistorical men, before the Neanderthals, of the Adam race.

Archaeologists continue to discover bones of early humans that existed in Africa millions of yeasrs ago. Let us not swallow hook and liner of the Adam creation story without meticulously studing the origin of the Black people. A primary school pupil would hardly be convinced that a White person can give birth to a Black person. It is not recorded in the Bible and there is no history of such event on earth. Blacks give birth to Blacks while Whites give birth to Whites. The Holy Scripture never gave any name of a person of the lineage of Adam that was dark skin.

The chronology of the Bible history gives a clear proof that Africans were in existence before Adam was created. In the year 4241BC, Africans developed the calender of 12 months of 30 days each and five days added that makes a year. As at this time Adam was not yet created. Two school of thought put the year Adam was created at 4007 and 3975BC. As at about 4,000BC, two countries with separate rulers existed in the Northern part of Africa that is, Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt. These States later unified as one kingdom at 3150BC.

Though the story of Adam’s marriage to Lilith is not recorded in the Bible, but there is confirmation that he married the Egyptian at about 3978BC but the relation broke down which prompted God to create Eve for Adam. That means the Egyptians (Africans) existed on earth before Adam.
Another clear pointer is the fact that Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt amalgmated into one kingdom at 3150BC which was about the year Lamech was born to Methuselah. As at this time the Whites were few and so could not form a big town not to talk about a country.

If the Black race descended from Adam as christians are made to believe, how do we reconcile the existence of the Egyptians who are Africans as at the 5,000BC? Cain killed his brother Abel and God sent him away from the vicinity where his parent were. The fear Cain had was that people would kill him. Considering this period biblically, only Adam, Eve and Cain were on earth and he (Cain) was being separated from his parent to a strange land. Then he cried out to God that people shall kill him. Who are these people? Were they children of Adam and Eve the first and only couple on earth? The Bible cannot lie, as we see that other humans being have been on earth before Adam was created. The Continent of Africa was created first before that of Eurasia as reported by geologists.

Record shows that Adam who lived 930 years died in the year 3077BC. As at this time, Egypt had already amalgamated when the descendant of Adam did not have a colony. So it is not logical to believe that Adam was the first man created.


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