God created himself – Spirit being
He created the word (Jesus) – Spirit being
Then created the Holy Ghost (Force) – Spirit being
Also created the Angels – Spirit being (as messenger)

The word later manifested as flesh (Jesus Christ) to save the world he created. And God instructed the Word (Jesus) to create the world and everything therein including the Black man whom Gods love so much (no white man then). When we (the man of color) erred, God used the flood of Egypt to wipe away the Black race at about 12,000 BC but not completely (Jer. 4:26). Very
few survived and which began to multiply as years went by Gen. 6 after a long while. Jehovah God called the other Spirit being – the Word (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Ghost (Force) and said to them “Let us create man in our own image Gen. 1:26 and Adam was created a white man. Because God has become angry with Black man, he told Adam and his descendant to dominate; usurp power, wisdom, and understanding from the man of color and even hate him.

But the Blacks can reverse the ugly situation of being dominated and hated by the Whites. How can we do this? There is only one solution revealed in the book “Black Man Not Descendant of Adam” as clearly stipulated in the Bible.
Being born again alone cannot restore the man of color except we act like the prodigal son. Go to the father for forgiveness and not being far from him, crying, agonizing, claiming born again, praying that changes should take place. The only right step is meeting with our heavenly Father to say “Daddy, we have sinned against you, please have mercy and forgive the Black race, heal our land, remove the stony heart, the pride and  ego in us, take away failure spirit, and promise we are prepared to worship Him in truth and in Spirit.

Without this, even if all Blacks become bishops, pastors, evangelists and so on and all houses in Africa become churches, there shall never be changes. God has cursed the Egyptians ( the black people ) using three prophets ( ISAIAH, JEREMIAH and EZEKIEL ), these curses cannot go away just by being born again. If the prodigal son had remain where he was repenting of his error or sin, will his father forgive and embrace him? He had to go to his father and repent of his sin and ask for mercy. This is exactly what Black people all over the world have to do for God to wipe away the curses that has kept man of color in a pathetic situation. Do not say, how can all   Blacks come together for deliverance? It is very possible because we have done it before for Satan in the name of FESTAC ’77. We must endeavor to come together in order to ask God for mercy, so that the Almighty will forgive, renounce all curses and restore the Black man to his original glory.


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